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  • About

    Hello, My name is Rodger Cleye. Music fills my head at all times. It helps me cope with life. I have always had a great love for music. 28 years ago, I was a 28 year old frustrated male. I was trying to make sense of the world around me. The dating scene was (is I imagine) quite confusing. I also needed to learn how to apply my BSEE degree as that is what turned out to pay the bills in my journey of life. I learned from every relationship I was exposed to. But more importantly, I wrote all my feelings down. I put them to music and produced it on an 80's synthesizer and a guitar my mom gave me at age 27 (I had never played any instrument before that). I proceeded to lay down tracks on an 8-channel cassette multi-track recorder, and had a couple effects boxes too. It was therapy for me. There were plenty of relationships that had gone wrong to write about. This simply helped me deal. I had no outlet to distribute those songs. They sat on my hard-drive for the last 28 years! Finally, I bring them to you. I hope they comfort you as they have me through the years! Now at age 56, music consumes me more than ever. I am going through an "Emotional Renaissance" all over again as I enter my senior years. I feel a sense of urgency to share EVERY song that has ever touched me to a new set of ears. To that end, I have recorded over 1000 cover song clips. ' @rodgercleye'