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  • About

    I see my music as empowering for females because of my honesty. I think women often try to keep our emotions in check because it’s so easy to be called crazy or hysterical, or to be seen as “too much” or too intense or aggressive, while males seem to get away with much more, without being labeled or ostracized. I like to lean into those labels and challenge those stereotypes by showing that there is strength in showing emotions, even if they’re emotions that are discouraged for women, such as lust, rage, or anger. “Good Girl” challenges the notion that women should suppress valid emotions in order to satisfy some external (patriarchal) version of “good.” “Reputation” and “Beautiful Girl,” each in their own way, go farther and recommend throwing off unhealthy, limiting societal chains. It’s my hope that my music inspires people, women especially, to find validity in all their emotional expression, and to claim their own power.

  • Playlists

  • Links

 Emotions erupt in ELOUR's punk-edged Femme Rock, resulting in catharsis and empowerment. Features the alluring songs and vocals of Elizabeth Ghandour.