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  • About

    A good song is a good song forever. It is timeless in it’s strength of melody and lyrical flow. Although styles, sounds and production quality changes with fashion and trends the essence of a strong well rounded song is always adaptable to the age. It is with this philosophy always in mind that I approach every song that I write. My aim is that each song is instantly enjoyable and will remain as such however many times the listener hears it. Having been fortunate enough to have grown up in a family where music was always in evidence with records constantly playing my journey of influence has taken me from Rock n Roll as my earliest memories, through Merseybeat & Psychedelia of the 60’s, prog rock, glam rock, punk rock & disco of the 70’s, new romantics, power ballads & country rock of the 80’s and 90’s right through the wide diversity that is abundant in the current millennium. All of these influences surface within my songwriting. A song is like a child. It needs nurturing and care to bring out the best in it. Like all children however it can have a variety of moods and attitudes so a good song will often be loveable either as a driving rock number or an acoustic introspective, as a pop singalong or a though provoking ballad. So as I began by saying so will I finish. A good song is a good song forever………….

 Majors, Minors, Moods & Melodies