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  • About

    Cara Elorene Moore is a singer-songwriter who writes and sings R & B, Jazz, Folk, Latin, Pop and Classical. She has performed as a solo artist, in duets, ensembles and choirs. She is a BMI member and performs live at events and festivals. She especially enjoys singing and writing folk music with the bodhran, guitar and flute and music with a strong beat that can be danced to as well as ballads. She is a Herbal practitioner and manufacturer of Crystal Essence ® products for Crystal Arts And Health. She is also a Hatha Yoga teacher and does music for meditations. She is a playwright, poet and scriptwriter and has done illustrations for books and is the author of A Nathan Vallor Investigation Mystery series. She does music for ads, films, television and for recording artists.

  • Links

 Holistic Wellbeing through Sound and Song 


Luigi Casaretto


Madison Malone
