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  • About

    GOLDEN CRONICA PUBLISHING, INC. is one of the competitive providers of educational learning materials in the country. We are privileged to have been a reliable partner in giving quality education to our youth for the past years. We value your support and trust in our company. As a way of showing our gratitude, we have hereunto attached a proposal which can benefit not only your students but also the school administration and its faculty as well. Considering the limited books in MAPEH, Golden Cronica Publishing Inc. is offering “SPORTS, MUSIC, ARTS and RHYTHMIC TALENTS (S.M.A.R.T.) for MAPEH and INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (I.C.T. Stages) for COMPUTER, a 21st Century level Kinder to grade 12 series that is aligned to the new K-12 curriculum. The authors in this series are experts in their own fields of specialization. The subject matter is based on the new DepEd curriculum. In addition, the MAPEH book reflects the themes of maka-Diyos, maka- Bayan and maka-Tao as prescribed by DepEd. COMPUTER – ICT Stages Series consistently follows an Interaction-Integration Approach which is important in learning. This book contains four units, five lessons, and KPUP (Knowledge, Process, Understanding and Performance) designed activities. The goal of these books is to Create, Share, and Learn. The contents and activities are all carefully prepared and researched to maximize the pupils’ and teacher’s abilities.

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    • 10/4/2017 12:24:13 AM

      Songtradr tipped $5.00

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